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Winter and Christmas Activities

Step into a wonderland of winter magic and festive cheer! Explore activities that capture the spirit of the season, from crafting snowflakes to sharing the joy of Christmas. Embrace the chilly charm with snow adventures, cosy crafts, and heartwarming traditions that make winter truly enchanting.

Make hot spiced juice

spiced juice

Brew up a delicious drink with a kick of festive flavours to keep you warm in the winter months.

C: Shutterstock

Make an ice lantern

ice lantern

Add a welcoming light to any outside space during the cold, dark winter months.

Make soda bread

soda bread

Rustle up this delicious loaf for a winter breakfast treat.

C: Shutterstock

Help endangered animals


Be kind to nature this month and help wildlife, both at home and abroad.

Credit: Shutterstock


Make stew and dumplings

cooking in the kitchen, peeling carrot

This hearty dish is a perfect winter warmer.

Credit: Shutterstock


Create a blizzard in a jar


Are you hoping for a white Christmas this year? Experiment with safe household materials to make your own snowstorm in a jar.

Winter baking

Bake cheese scones


Try this recipe for a yummy winter warmer.

C: Shutterstock


Make a gingerbread house

gingerbread house

Discover your inner engineer this festive season.

C: Shutterstock


Make hot chocolate bombs

chocolate bombs

Wow your friends and family with these beautiful - and delicious - winter treats.

C: Shutterstock


Winter in Nature

Feed winter birdlife

bird food

Food is scarce over winter, so give your local birds a helping hand with this easy-to-make seed teacup.

C: Shutterstock

Make ice ornaments

ice ornaments

These "super cool" decorations are perfect for hanging outdoors.


Track local wildlife


Learn the skills of a Stone Age hunter-gatherer.

C: Shutterstock

Build your own bird box

bird box

Give feathered friends a safe place to roost and nest.

C: Shutterstock

Go seed collecting


To celebrate National Tree Week, get out and about and become a seed planter.

C: Shutterstock

Build a frog home


Protect your amphibian friends from the cold this winter.

C: Shutterstock


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Enjoy these activities? Get a new activity sent directly to your inbox every week with our Saturday Science newsletter for parents.  

We carefully select every activity, making sure that they are quick, fun and easy to do – and use materials that you're likely to have around the house. It's a parenting win!



Snowflake science


Create a winter wonderland in your home with these frozen fractal experiments.

Credit: Shutterstock


Experience winter nature

family on the beach

It may still be cold outside, but wrap up warm and get involved.

Credit: Shutterstock

Wrap winter trees

wrapping a tree trunk

Frost can be harsh on young trees.

Credit: Shutterstock


Christmas Special

Make salt dough decorations

salt dough decorations

Get into the Christmas spirit and use chemistry to create some home-made festive ornaments.

Make wrapping paper

wrapped gifts

Make some pretty marbled paper to wrap your festive gifts.

Make bioplastic festive decorations

hanging christmas decoration

Using household ingredients and some clever chemistry, conjure up some simple, eco-friendly plastic decorations. 

Build a pop-up Christmas card

christmas card

Embrace your inner paper engineer and build a sensational seasonal pop-up card.

Make Christmas chutney


This festive jam is perfect with pigs in blankets, or spread on cheese and biscuits.

Credit: Shutterstock


Have an eco-Xmas

christmas presents wrapped in brown paper

Help protect the planet over the festive period.

Credit: Getty

Spring coming?

As the seasons change, head over to our Spring and Summer activities page.

Water sprinkler



Check out The Week Junior magazines' FREE Activity Hub. The team has compiled some super exciting activities from the award-winning magazine that you can enjoy at home with little to no resource - something to fun, free and easy help keep curious young minds educated and entertained.
